Composition | Indications | Dosage |
Each 100 Gm Contains Sodium Chloride : 8.250 gms Magnesium Sulphate: 1 gm Calcium Gluconate: 2 gm Potassium Chloride: 1 gm Vitamin C (Coated) : 1 gm Lactobacillus viable spores: 3200 million Dextrose Anhydrous: Q.S. |
Prior to and after transportation. In extreme temperatures (high or low) Other areas of stress |
Poultry : In feed; 1 Kg per tone of feed In water; 1 gm in 2 Liter of water for 3-5 days |
Composition | Indications | Dosage |
Each 5 ml contains Vitamin B1: 7.5 mg Vitamin B2: 2.5 mg Vitamin B6:1.0 mg Vitamin B12: 12.5 mcg Biotin: 25.0 mcg Calcium Pantothenate: 2.5 mg Niacin: 75.0 mg Choline Chloride: 10.0 mg Methionine: 10.0 mg Lysine: 10.0 mg Base: q.s. |
Prior to and after transportation. In extreme temperatures (high or low) Other areas of stress |
Poultry(For 100 birds): Chick: 5-6 ml Grower/ Broiler: 8-10 ml Layer (For 7-10 days every month): 10-15 ml Livestock: 30-60ml daily per head as a drench or in drinking water as a feed supplement. |
Composition | Indications | Dosage |
Each 5ml. Contains: Calcium Gluconate 500 mg. Vitamin D3 600 I.U. Vitamin B12 10 mg. Liver Extract 50 mg. Choline chloride 100 mg. |
Hypocalcaemia Reduced Growth Poor feed conversion Leg-Weakness Soft egg shell Anaemic Conditions |
Chicks 100ml/100birds Growers & Boiler 20ml/100birds Layers 30ml-50ml/100birds Cattle 50ml-100ml/Head Calf,Sheep & Pig 20ml-50ml/Head |
Composition | Indications | Dosage |
Each gram contains; Doxycycline…………. 5% Neomycin……………. 5% Excipients……………. q.s |
Early chick Mortality Rapid absorption, Synergistic and Broad-spectrum activity. Necrotic Enteritis and Loose droppings. Antimicrobial and anti-protozoal activity. Nonspecific enteritis and Wet litter conditions. Secondary bacterial complications of ILT, RD and VVND. Maintains Intestinal and Gut Health. Improves Growth rate, FCR and egg production. |
Feed 1 to 2 kg per ton of feed or as recommended by Veterinarian. Water Prevention : 1grm per Litre of water for 5 to 7 days. Treatment: 2 grams per Litre of water for 5 to 7 days. |
Composition | Indications | Dosage |
Each kg of LINCOMYCIN 88 PREMIX Contains: Lincomycin Base ...................... 0.88% Carrier........................................ q.s. |
To improve Feed Efficiency To improve growth & Production Reduces incidence of mortality. Higher productivity To Improve Weight Gain To increase resistance and Enable stress management. |
Mix 200 to 1 kg per ton of feed |
Composition | Indications | Dosage |
Contains blend of Essential Vitamins, Amino acids, L-Lysine and DL-Methionine, Macro & Micro minerals,Herbs & Probiotics |
Maintaining egg production through the laying period Stimulating overy results in peak production Helps to increase average weight of egg, shell quality and yolk pigmentation influences commercial value of eggs Ensures flock uniformity Improves Fertility and Hatchability in Breederss In Broilers help to achieve maximum body weight in short period Maximum growth at minimum FCR |
Layers: From 17th week onwards 500 gms. / tonne of
feed Breeders: 750 gms. to 1 kg. / tonne of feed Broilers: 1 kg. / tonne of feed |
Composition | Indications | Dosage |
Each 10 ml.Contains: Protein Hydrolysate - 275 mg. Vitamin B1 - 5 mg. Vitamin B2 - 3 mg. Vitamin B6 - 4 mg. Vitamin B12 - 35 mg. Niacinamide - 50 mg. Biotin - 55 mcg. Glysine - 25 mg. L-Lysine - 35 mg. DL-Methionine - 45 mg. Choline Chloride - 110 mg. Selenium - 55 mg. |
Improves Productivity Uplifts egg formation and production Promotes weight gain Enhances immunity Stimulates fertility and hatchability Supportive in various disease conditions. |
Chicks: 10 to 20 ml.per 100 chicks Broilers,Layers,Growers & Breeders : 25 to 50 ml. per 100 birds. |
Composition | Indications | Dosage |
Enrofloxacin HCL ……... 2.5% Ciprofloxacin HCL……... 7.5% Colistin Sulphate………. 0.25% Excipients……………… Q.S. |
Broad spectrum on Gram positive and Negative bacteria CCRD, E.coli, Salmonellosis, Coryza and Fowl Cholera. Secondary Bacterial infections of ILT, RD and VVND. Uniform egg size and Body weight and growth. |
Prevention : 1 g per litre of water for 5 days Treatment: 2g per litre of water for 5 days |